Preparing for Natural Disasters

There is no denying that Australia’s rugged beauty is awe-inspiring and breathtaking. Still, it can also be unpredictable and dangerous, particularly during spring to summer.
Regional and rural Australia often bears the brunt of Mother Nature’s unpredictability with bushfires, floods and cyclones, but our larger cities can be affected by these weather events too. No matter where you live, we can all try and prepare for natural disasters with our pets.
It is essential that you decide before a natural disaster if you are going to take your dog or cat with you. Once this crucial decision is made, then you can start planning.
Creating an Emergency Pack for Pets
✓ Ensure you have enough wet (canned) food, dry food, and bottled water for at least 3 days. Food should be the same food your pet usually has to avoid an upset tummy. Every 3 months, check the expiry date
✓ Photocopies of your pet’s medical records with their vet’s details should be included in a waterproof container or ziplock bag. Also, include your pet’s microchip certificate and a photo of your pet with a description of them. As a backup, save these details on your phone

✓ Regularly check your details with the microchip database, ensure they are correct, and you have next of kin details in case you are uncontactable
✓ Include a supply of poop bags to clean up any mess
✓ Pack flea, tick and worm treatment along with a first aid kit with items specially for your pet
✓ Include a spare identification ring to attach to your pet’s collar if needed
✓ Pack a dog lifejacket if you live in a flood-prone area
✓ Include a list of pet-friendly emergency shelters
✓ Keep your emergency pack in a place that is easily accessible
✓ Make sure all family members and neighbours know where the emergency pack is kept
✓ Photocopy a checklist that includes all of these items plus your pet’s bedding, toys, carrier/crate, leads, harnesses and muzzles if needed

✓ Take your pet’s bedding and their favourite toy, which will provide comfort to them if they are stressed
✓ A sturdy carrier or crate to secure your pet during transportation
✓ A lead, harness or muzzle (for dogs) so that you can adequately control your pet
Ensure your pet’s collar has an easy-to-read identification ring with their name, your name and phone number.
Practice your plan regularly so you and your pet are used to the plan.
By taking these proactive steps to prepare for natural disasters with pets, you can ensure their safety and well-being while navigating the challenges that nature may bring. Remember, planning ahead is the key to a smooth and safe experience during emergencies.
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