The Two Loves of Our Life: Plants & Pets


Do you know that indoor plants are trending? And we are here for it! Whilst many people have previously tended to opt for fake options as they require no effort to maintain, we have seen a massive shift, and it would be unusual to walk into a friend’s home and see no indoor plants. They offer many benefits to your home and lifestyle by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen into the air, helping to freshen and absorb toxins. Plants in indoor spaces have also proven to boost moods and reduce stress and fatigue.

However, did you know that not all plants are safe for our pets? Surprisingly, many common house plants can be toxic to our furry friends if ingested, causing serious sickness and potentially death. Symptoms from toxic plants can include vomiting, diarrhoea, inflammation, irritability, skin irritations, seizures, twitching or sluggishness. Knowing the effects your plants can have is incredibly important, especially when bringing home a curious puppy or adventurous cat.

Most pets, particularly cats, will naturally avoid toxic plants. However, this is not a guarantee, and given that our pets are naturally curious, they have a habit of exploring, testing, trialling and maybe even taking a bite out of our plants.

We have put together a list of our top 10 pet-friendly indoor plants. We also recommend that you look out for particularly toxic plants for pets. These include lilies, which, when consumed, can be fatal, snake plants, pothos, and aloe vera plants. We recommend always checking that the plants you introduce to your home are safe and non-toxic. If your pet does start to show any symptoms, it is imperative that you take them to the vet as soon as possible to prevent long-lasting effects.

Please note – consuming any plant matter may cause digestive upset for dogs and cats.


Spider Plant

Spider Plants are great, easy-to-care-for, non-toxic plants for dogs and cats. There is no need to worry if your pet ingests a small quantity. However, it pays to be aware of where you place your plants, particularly if you have pets that are known to nibble. Even though they are safe in small quantities, large amounts of any plant can cause stomach upset.

Boston Fern

The Boston Fern is another fantastic choice for a safe indoor house plant. It is non-toxic, and ingestion should not cause any serious issues. Your pets may also love to play with the funky leaves. Ferns are generally some of the safest house plants.

Watermelon Peperomia

With stunning foliage that emulates the texture and appearance of watermelon fruit, the Watermelon Peperomia is a gorgeous indoor plant that every household needs.

Chinese Money Plant

Another common houseplant is the Chinese Money Plant. It is known for being easy to care for and great for propagation, so your furry friends can play with it without worry.

Calathea Orbifolia
(and other Calathea Varieties)

With so many Calathea options to choose from, there is a variety for everyone. With air-purifying capabilities and uniquely shaped leaves and colours, this plant species is a must for any home. The best part is that you do not need to worry about your pets around them.

Baby’s Tears

These little green beauties are known for helping freshen the air, removing toxins and boosting oxygen levels. Often confused for moss, baby’s tears are a stringy, dense plant that weaves into one another with beautiful small leaves.

Rattlesnake Plant

The Rattlesnake Plant can be slightly trickier to nurture, but with the right care, you will be rewarded with a thriving plant displaying wavy trimmed leaves and beautiful prints in shades of green. These eye-catching plants are a great option for households with pets.

Prayer Plant

Prayer Plants are another fantastic beauty that is safe for your pets. They have incredible, oval-shaped leaves that boast vibrant patterns and unique details. These plants naturally lean towards the sun and are safe for the paws and hands that might touch them.


If you are looking for a plant that flowers, the Orchid is the perfect choice. These absolute beauties are among the most inoffensive plants you can have in your home. They should not cause any serious problems if ingested.

String of Hearts

Otherwise known as the Chain of Hearts or Sweetheart Vine, the String of Hearts is a whimsical plant that, though fragile in appearance, is surprisingly easy to care for. These make exceptional hanging plants, but it pays to be aware of where you place them. Due to their delicate nature, small hands or paws playing with them can easily damage and uproot them.

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